Saturday, October 10, 2009

Still busy as hell...

I still haven't managed to get back into a rhythm of Trikking on a regular basis. I've been very busy with ongoing projects, plus I had two of my regular clients from my promotion business asking me to start new promotions. That, plus the beginning of a new school year has kept me occupied.

It's tough making time to work out when you are so busy. It's just a matter of time-management. I know that I can work in at least 30 minutes a day. I just have to not let myself get too busy to build that in. Then consistently carry it out. Once I am back to 30 minutes plus per day, I can then start increasing the time each day. I know I can do this. It's just a matter of consistently alloting the time and then making sure I do it.

It was so much easier in the summer when I wasn't working each day. I had much more free time then than I do now. I often Trikked between 2 and 3 hours a day. I want to get back to at least an hour a day.

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