Thursday, June 25, 2009

In Trikke Heaven you can trikke at night...

Living in Trikke Heaven is great! I can go out at 10:00 at night and still have plenty of light. There are street lights all the way down the quarter mile of my street. There is even less traffic at night and you can see cars a long way off as they have their lights on. This time of year I can go out and trikke for an hour or more in the morning and then go out again in the evening. It's pretty hot in the afternoon so I avoid that time.

The wheel rotation worked out to be fairly easy and I now don't worry about uneven tire wear (at least for a while). Probably before the time the wheels wear out, I will have replaced them with the 8" inflatibles.

The mystery is solved!

I learned today why Trikke sends a duplicate large hex wrench. It's for changing wheels. I recently was talking to someone on the street about the Trikke when they asked how long the wheels lasted. I told them that I was about 3 months into the wheels that I have and the rear wheels seem to be about half worn down. She pointed out that they looked like they could use rotating. Aha! When I looked, I could plainly see that they were wearing unevenly and needed rotating. I had already been told that when you change wheels you need to spray the bolts first with a lubricant like WD-40 and then wait at least an hour. I sprayed them once and then the next night and even then, I needed to tap the hex wrench with a hammer to loosen the bolt. The silver spacers between the wheel and the fork have to be gently tapped back into place before inserting the bolts (actually one side is a long cylindrical shaft that goes through the wheel) and then tightening slowly and evenly on each side until both sides are snug. The two hex wrenches are to tighten both bolts at the same time.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I love my Trikke

A few months ago, I saw an infomercial about the Trikke. I decided that I would get one when the weather got warm. When spring was definitely here, I ordered one and it soon came to my door. With a little bit of time to assemble the Trikke I was ready to go. One needs a good place to practice Trikking (as it definitely has a learning curve) and one needs flat surfaces to begin. I have now spent many hours Trikking and I have concluded that I live in Trikke Heaven. I live on a street that runs 1/4 mile from one end to the other and it has a park on one side the whole way. There is a two-lane road that gets very little traffic so I have free run of the road surface most of the time. My house is in the last block and if I go from my house to the other end and back and then repeat the run, I have done a mile. In the park itself, there is a bike trail that can be used and this trail goes for miles in each direction. I, frankly, prefer the road itself as I have a much wider surface to use.